Archive for September, 2016

Data Pharaoh & ‘Onsumers’

Building on the Griffiths College lecture,25th August 2016, Patrick continued his theme on the search for data algorithms. During March 2017 presentations were made in Shanghai and Dubai; a copy can be located here: DailyRoutineDataPharaoh2017WSTour.ppt

Many businesses are online. Rational consumers shop online. A new generation of online consumers – ‘onsumers’ – shop online as search algorithms capture their data patterns. The discussion focuses on the importance of data and data patterns and how they are used by sufficiently intelligent algorithms to influence behaviour. As the rational consumer arrives at the landing page of the online site s/he clicks and scrolls up and down the screen, and continues to check and watch videos. Engaged with social media for hours a day, in that moment in time the clicking and scrolling behaviour of the ‘onsumer’ creates a pattern of behaviour that is captured by an algorithm. Building on a series of anecdotes from behavioural economics and game theory Patrick will present a critical review of data patterns using game theory in an attempt to define a smart strategy for business.

Continuing the debate on discovering patterns in micro data, Patrick presented at the Griffith Connects event hosted by Griffith College, Dublin, on August 25th. Asking the audience to imagine him as a machine talking to them as humans he introduced the principles of non-cooperative game theory from the perspective of a data pharaoh in search of data patterns. He discussed the daily routine of the digital self, demonstrating how it is that machines ‘think’ by identifying patterns in our data as we outsource memory and rely exclusively on tablets and smartphones in the era of social media and IoT. It is not that machines are thinking per se but rather we as rational humans have stopped thinking. In the era of data analytics, this data is valuable as a tradable asset in the 21st century. Further link at: He continues the discussion at the World Trade Centre, Dubai on Tuesday 20 September at an event hosted by the Dubai international office of the Manchester Business School. Details at semester term, Patrick is lecturing on economics of game theory as applied to business at the Smurfit Business School in Dublin

Griffith Connects presentation: Griffith Connects – Game Theory – Patrick McNutt